

Electoral Turnovers, with Benjamin Marx and Vincent Pons. Accepted for publication, Review of Economic Studies.

See also VoxEU column and press articles (Reason, Atlantico, Sciences Humaines, Le Figaro).

Working papers

Ambient Density and Urban Crime: Evidence from Smartphone Data, with Raphaël Lafrogne-Joussier.

Honorable mention at the 2023 European UEA meeting.

The Lifecycle of Protests in the Digital Age, with Pierre Boyer, Germain Gauthier, Yves Le Yaouanq, and Benoit Schmutz-Bloch

See also IPP column and VoxEU podcast.

Ongoing projects

Evolving Cities: The Dynamics of Urban Redevelopment.

Incumbency Advantage at the Country Level, with Benjamin Marx and Vincent Pons.

Municipal Coordination, Zoning, and Inequality in Public Goods Access, with Laura Weiwu.

Publications in French

Introduction aux sciences économiques, with Olivier Gossner and Jean-Baptiste Michau. Éditions Economica.

Initially the introductory economics textbook of Ecole Polytechnique, now published for a broader audience.

Les déterminants de la mobilisation des Gilets Jaunes (translated in English here), with Pierre Boyer, Thomas Delemotte, Germain Gauthier and Benoit Schmutz-Bloch. Revue Economique, 2020, 71, 1, pp. 109-138. 

See also IPP policy brief, op-ed in Le Monde, and press articles (France Inter, Le Figaro, Alternatives Economiques, Le Parisien, Libération)